Welcome to
St. Margaret's Episcopal Church

Welcome to
St. Margaret's Episcopal Church
Thank you for pausing to visit with us. We are delighted to have you spend some time examining what we have to share with you. St. Margaret's Episcopal Church is a congregation regenerated and empowered for ministry. We have embarked upon a bold vision to bridge the gap between generations and expand our ministry through worship, education, health and community outreach. If you live in or are planning to visit the area, experience the transformation first hand; join us at any of the services listed on the web site. We are looking forward to having you worship with us.
In-person Worship Services starts at 9:30 AM, and livestream on our Facebook page. Link: (20+) St. Margaret's Episcopal Church
Or you can call in 301-715-8592 Enter Meeting ID# 894 9942 0825 and Password 95873.
Noon Day Prayer is held everyday at 12:00 noon. The telephone conference call number for Noonday Prayer is (602) 580-9715 ( Access Code 6434898)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 895 2284 6596
Passcode: 587522
In-person Worship Services starts at 9:30 AM, and livestream on our Facebook page. Link: (20+) St. Margaret's Episcopal Church
Or you can call in 301-715-8592 Enter Meeting ID# 894 9942 0825 and Password 95873.
Noon Day Prayer is held everyday at 12:00 noon. The telephone conference call number for Noonday Prayer is (602) 580-9715 ( Access Code 6434898)
Join Our Team for This Opportunity. Classes begin on the first Monday of the Month.
Copyright © 2020 St Margaret's Episcopal Church - All Rights Reserved.
Webmasters: Beatrice Ramsey, beatrice.ramsey@att.net
Barbara Hudson-Banner, bhudsonb@gmail.com
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